Pat's freeper screen name is Kerry Crusher. He is on leave from his job as a campaign consultant from a national GOP campaign firm, and is currently in charge of media and message development for the CATO Institute's Social Security Project.
He is also the proprietor of 1 posted on 06/20/2005 7:04:27 AM PDT by crushkerry [ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies ]
''We need above all a president who is not fazed by complexity. A president who likes to read.” So says Te-REH-za Heinz Kerry . Well for once we agree with Lady Heinz. Anyone who is President should like to read.
In what amounts to an unprecedented free media campaign, Big Media has tried very hard to sell Ter-AH-za Heinz Kerry to the American people. We’re happy to report they have failed. You can’t polish a turd and call it an apple. And you can’t disguise the facts about Ter-Ah-za: she’s an abrasive, unpleasant, snooty, snot who looks down her surgically reduced nose at middle class Americans.
Of course, now that President George W. Bush has co-opted Iraqi support from the Frogs and the Krauts, John Kerry has nothing else to talk about.
grew up around a lot of French Canadian (not the same as French, but close enough) and they were Sooooooooooooooooo stupid. My God! Polish jokes never made sense to me because all the Polish people I knew were pretty smart, but when you replaced "Polish" with "French" and told the same joke, milk would come out of my nose.
Kerry Watched Abu Ghraib Porn in Washington, Skipped Disabled Vote ^ | 5/16/04 |
Posted on 05/16/2004 5:18:31 AM PDT by Kerry Crusher
Senator John Kerry felt cheated. That’s all we can imagine inspired the old boy to charter a flight and head to Washington Thursday for a visit the press has called “rare,” “unexpected” and a “surprise.” We imaging he woke up on Thursday morning and got a thrill from the pages in his hometown paper The Boston Globe, which depicted graphic images of prison soldiers at Abu Ghraib having sex. And maybe, noticing John Kerry’s approval of The Globe’s brief foray into porn, Boston City Councilor and Kerry buddy, Chuck Turner showed the Senator his own private stash of Abu Ghraib pictures.
Please click READ MORE ...
We can also imaging the Senator’s famous temper flaring up when later that day he learned both The Globe’s photos and those of Councilman Turner were fakes. “Gas up the Flying Squirrel,” he must have ordered a staff member. “We’re going to Washington to see the real McCoy!” (BTW: Let’s hope The Globe doesn’t make the same photographic snafu when the Bay State legalizes gay marriage tonight!)
A few press outlets got the story half right when they reported Kerry made an unexpected trip to Washington to see the Abu Ghraib sex photos. But the other half adds an extra dash of creepiness. You see, Kerry flew to Washington – put his campaign on hold – so he could watch the video of Abu Grhaib.
Let’s remember, this fellow hasn’t been seen in our nation’s Capitol very much this year. He’s cast a vote in only 16% of the roll call votes in 2004. Kerry even skipped a vote on Sen. Patty Murray’s pet project, a temporary extension of unemployment benefits. (The bill went down to defeat by one vote.)
But he made a special trip to Washington, DC to watch Lt. Lynndie England shake her grove thang! for the cameras.
But he was in Washington on Thursday, so he must have voted for something, either before or after getting his Abu Ghraib jollies, right? Um, well … NO. In fact, Kerry skipped a vote on bill to reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
”Sorry boys. Those cripples will just have to find another way to get their schooling. I’m only here for the porn,” we imagine he replied when his name was called out.
Yeah … this is the guy we want in the White House. TOPICS:
Big Night for Adam and Steve ^ | 5/16/04 |
Posted on 05/16/2004 7:01:12 AM PDT by Kerry Crusher
Brides with beards will blush in Cambridge, MA tonight at 12:01AM. That’s because the Massachusetts state supreme court dusted off a long-hidden section of the Constitution and discovered that the Founding Fathers actually intended all along for onanists to marry.
We’d expect as much from the most liberal state supreme court in the nation. And we’d expect the liberals in Washington and Massachusetts to obfuscate and deceive just long enough for Adam and Steve to trade nuptials. But we hold out a special strain of anger toward alleged “federalist” like George Will who told us one state could never tell the others what to do on this issue, we don’t need a constitutional amendment, there’s nothing to worry about. These people are more stupid than conservative. We hope they enjoy their white wine spritzers with Barney Frank tonight. As for us, we stick by our position on the issue as expressed in our video, 'These Guys'
But hey! What’s the big deal? According to the New York Times even religious whackos who, like, go to church and stuff don’t really care. Meanwhile, the gay community is positively twitterpated! Why spoil all the fun?
There’s nothing to worry about, anyway. President George W. Bush opposes gay marriage. And so does John Kerry, although he did have a private sit down with gay groups, to give then the ole’ wink and nudge. We would have liked to have been a fly on that wall!
Obviously, we're not being serious. It's become clear that neither candidate for president is interested in doing anything about this issue. In fact, we believe the Bush administration has about as much credibility on gay marriage issues as, say, Rosie O'Donnell.
At the risk of sounding over dramatic, tonight’s ... ahem ... ceremony will mark the biggest culture war defeat for the side of good since the US Supreme Court said killing an unborn baby was a matter of “privacy.”
Lied to by liberals. Sold out by conservatives. As usual, we the people will have to do all the work.
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